Bioidentical Hormone Therapy

Bioidentical hormone therapy (BHRT) plays a crucial role in supporting adults' overall health and wellbeing, particularly as they navigate hormonal changes associated with aging. Hormones are vital chemical messengers that regulate numerous bodily functions, including metabolism, mood, energy levels, and reproductive health. As individuals age, hormonal imbalances can occur, leading to a variety of symptoms such as fatigue, weight gain, mood swings, decreased libido, and cognitive decline.

How can I get my hormones evaluated?

  • Track Your Symptoms

    Make note of your bothersome symptoms, when you first noticed them, and approaches you’ve tried that have helped (or not). Our intake forms are a great place for you to explain how you’ve been feeling.

  • Work with Experts

    Schedule a consultation to discuss your concerns and any timing or special instructions that should be considered when planning your evaluation.

  • Get Hormone Testing

    We conduct the most comprehensive blood lab testing most of our patients have ever had, most commonly collected conveniently in our offices (but other arrangements are available for those out of area). Lab reviews & treatment recommendations are commonly scheduled within the same week of the lab draw.


  • Bioidentical hormones are structurally identical to our endogenous (made by your body) hormones. This means that they are identical in structure and function as the hormones made by your body. Bio-identical hormones are proven to be the safest and most effective form of hormone replacement.

    Synthetic hormones are not structurally identical to human hormones. Synthetic hormones like medroxyprogesterone acetate (Depo-Provera, Provera), Premarin (conjugated equine estrogen ie. horse estrogen)  and DES are also associated with certain cancers such as breast cancers.*

    there are bioidentical hormones approved by the FDA, but there are also compounded bioidentical hormone therapies.  

    FDA-approved bioidentical hormones include estradiol, estrone, and micronized progesterone, which are regulated and monitored for purity and efficacy according to FDA guidelines. The efficacy and safety of these products have been established through rigorous testing in randomized controlled trials. These products require a prescription. 

  • This depends on many factors, including severity and type of symptoms you are experiencing, consistency with treatment, lifestyle factors, and health background. However, most people will notice some improvement in the first 30 days, with more measurable improvements within the first 90 days.

  • Men and women of any age can have hormonal imbalances and deficiencies. Age can impact the most likely issues and imbalances, and our hormone experts will discuss this with you.

    For example women who are 65 and over have ovaries that are no longer functional or may have had them surgically removed, but hormones are still very important for mood, brain health, bone health, energy, adding moisture to your tissues, sex drive and so much more. BHRT can extend longevity and improve quality of life.

    So, you can still benefit from hormone balance and reverse many of the disadvantages that come from lack of hormones at any age if you are otherwise a safe candidate for hormone therapy and desire treatment.

    • Reduces the risk of heart disease by 30-50%

    • Bone density: BHRT can reduce your risk for osteoporotic hip fracture by 50%

    • Reduces moderate to severe vasomotor symptoms like hot flashes and night sweats by 79-90%

    • Cholesterol health: Some studies report a 10-15% improvement in LDL levels and a 7-10% increase in HDL levels.

    • Certain studies have reported a 20-30% reduction in the risk of developing Alzheimer's disease when initiated early in menopause.

    • Reduces symptoms of vaginal health including atrophy, dryness, and discomfort during intercourse by 60-80%

    • A 40-60% improvement in sexual function scores

    • A 30-50% improvement in skin elasticity and a reduction in wrinkles

    • Hormone therapy has been associated with a 30% reduction in the incidence of type 2 diabetes in postmenopausal women

    • Surveys show that 70-80% of women on BHT report a marked improvement in their quality of life.

Get Your Hormones Checked

Get Your Hormones Checked

bioidentical hormone therapy BHRT in Alamosa, Pagosa Springs, Denver, and Telehealth in Washington and California with expert hormone specialists for optimal life
  • At Defiance Health we have a custom process for our Patient Intake to best serve your needs:

    • Consultation Appointment with an Experienced Hormone Expert

    • Accurate Body Composition Analysis

    • Vital Signs, Biometric Measurements, & Screening Examination

    • Comprehensive Laboratory Testing

    • Full Results Review

    • Supplementation & Medical Treatment Recommendations

    This is our most popular package even for those with no bothersome symptoms — this is a great way to collect a thorough set of information about yourself to which you can later compare.

  • This intake package includes everything in our Initial Intake Package with comprehensive blood lab testing.

    Although your provider may elect to add to or change your initial panel based on your history, symptoms, or requests, generally the panel includes:

    • Complete Blood Counts

    • Comprehensive Metabolic Panel (glucose/liver/kidney tests)

    • Lipid Panel

    • Hemoglobin A1c

    • Insulin

    • Vitamin B12

    • Vitamin D

    • Ferritin

    • Serum Iron (females)

    • Progesterone (females)

    • Total PSA (males)

    • Free, Total, & Bioavailable Testosterone

    • Estradiol

    • DHEA-S

    • IGF-1

  • This intake package includes everything in our Initial Intake Package with comprehensive blood lab testing and metabolic testing.

    A resting metabolic rate with full report will be conducted at your fasting lab draw appointment, and a VO2max test will be scheduled. See Intake Level I for specific blood lab tests.

  • The Level III Intake Package includes everything in our Initial Intake Package Level I with comprehensive blood lab testing plus a gut health panel.

    Research indicates that gut health impacts overall health. The gut plays a critical role in mediating the effects of diet and other factors critical in overall health.

    Metabolic testing may also be added to this intake, if desired, for an additional fee.