The World’s Best IPL

BBL (Broadband Light) Hero™ is the most powerful IPL (intense pulsed light) device on the market. BBL Hero™ helps to remove brown spots & redness, even out skin texture, reduce the appearance of veins, and erase underlying sun damage. BBL Hero™ is the only phototherapy device proven to take years off of your complexion and improve overall skin health.

mJoule by Sciton offers BBL HERO™ & MOXI™ the best skin treatments in Alamosa to revitalize your face and body.


BBL™ (BROADBAND LIGHT) / BBL HERO™ by Sciton is an intense pulsed light (IPL) device that targets pigment, sun damage, and superficial signs of aging. It promotes younger-looking skin via collagen stimulation. The treatment also can improve the appearance of redness/rosacea, broken capillaries, treat active acne, & offers comfortable, effective hair removal.

Your provider will customize your initial treatments and maintenance schedule with you at your consultation for BBL Hero™ Phototherapy IPL skin treatment in Alamosa to ensure optimal results without the need for over-treatment.

According to a 2012 Stanford University study published in the Journal of Investigative Dermatology, BBL treatment alters the genetic expression of aging skin to closely resemble young skin. Essentially, the treated aged skin’s gene expression closely resembled the gene expression of young untreated skin. As a result, BBL rejuvenates gene expression, making treated skin look younger and renewed. 

Other effects of BBL include wound and scar healing on top of the rejuvenating results. These consistent outcomes were identified by comparing BBL-treated individuals to untreated young and aged individuals. 

Forever Young BBL Hero™ is clinically proven to help skin look years younger.

The Stanford University study showed that on a molecular level, BBL improved the appearance of acne, vascular condition, sun spots, and more.

BBL HERO™: The Best IPL in the San Luis Valley

  • Forever YOUNG BBL HERO™ for Anti-Aging


    • Improve the appearance of aging

    • Improve skin’s tone & texture

    • Improve the appearance of sun damage

    • Improve skin’s clarity & radiance


    • Patients looking for a more even-toned appearance.

    • This treatment is beneficial for all age groups (18+)

    • This treatment is highly recommended for patients who are 40+ for collagen induction.

    • This treatment is suitable for all skin types (with the exception of those with melasma or Type VI).

  • Forever CLEAR BBL HERO™ for Acne


    • Cutting-edge acne treatment

    • Effectively clears acne without creams or medicine

    • Kills bacteria in the skin

    • Decreases redness from inflammation

    • Suppresses sebaceous (oil) glands to reduce inflammation


    • Safe & comfortable for patients of all ages. Teens struggling with hormonal acne and adults experiencing blemishes later in life can all benefit from this in-office acne treatment.

    • Generally not recommended for patients under the age of 16 or those with very dark skin (Type VI)

  • Forever BARE BBL® Hair Removal


    • Significant, permanent reduction in the appearance of facial or body hair

    • Improves skin’s appearance & texture


    • Patients looking to decrease unwanted hair

    • Patients with coarse, dark hair

    • Beneficial for all age groups

    • Suitable for all skin types, except Type VI


  • Many people have heard of the term IPL with respect to skin care treatments. BBL Hero™ is the most cutting-edge technology that utilizes short blasts of high-intensity light to repair the DNA in the skin which produces a younger and more even complexion. Light is delivered into the surface of the skin and heat is absorbed allowing the cells to generate new collagen within the skin. Photothermal energy eliminates smaller vessels that lead to redness and reduce melanin in unwanted sunspots.

    WOW factor: A ten year study conducted at Stanford University revealed that consistent BBL treatments can alter the gene expression responsible for aging.

  • Since BBL Hero is a gentle, highly-customizable treatment, candidates can be adults of many ages, skin types, and ethnicities. Ideal candidates are those concerned about age spots, rosacea, acne, sun damage, and/or large pores

  • If you have any visible signs of aging or even sun damage on your skin that you’re concerned about, you may be an ideal candidate for BBL HERO.

    BBL hero is great at addressing age spots, hyperpigmentation, and wrinkles, but it can also help tackle broken capillaries, spider veins, uneven skin tone and more. Patients have also had a great deal of success using it to treat things like rosacea and redness.

  • The procedures cause minimal, if any, discomfort. During the procedures you will relax in our comfort-focused treatment room, and your specialist will perform the light therapy treatment.

    Example: Forever Young BBL Hero

    Your specialist will apply ultrasound gel to the treatment area, secure special eye protection on you, then apply a multi-pass approach to treat the skin including:

    • Base pass treats the overall appearance of the skin.

    • Corrective-vascular pass treats redness, small visible vessels, cherry angiomas, etc.

    • Corrective pigmented pass treats brown, pigmented lesions and other skin issues.

    • When indicated, a final pass may be done called “photofinish” which loads more light energy into the cheeks only, to tighten skin and boost your results.

    Forever Clear BBL Hero™ consists of a first pass of blue light to eliminate acne-causing bacteria deep within the skin's pores. The second pass uses yellow light to reduce inflammation and acne-associated redness while preventing new breakouts.

  • We will encourage your to avoid exposure to the sun. Otherwise, you are generally able to return to your regular daily routine. Results from BBL can be seen in 2 – 6 weeks following the initial treatment, and optimal results will generally be seen after repeat BBL sessions.

With its proprietary, multi-pass approach to treating aging skin, BBL® HERO™ addresses the signs of aging on all levels of the skin. One pass treats the skin's overall appearance, while multiple passes using other wavelengths of light correct the following conditions:

  • Hyperpigmentation

  • Blotchy skin

  • Dull skin

  • Birthmarks

  • Broken blood vessels

  • Aging chest skin color & texture

  • Poor skin texture

  • Mild skin sagging

  • Skin lesions such as freckles and age spots (“liver spots”)

  • Sun-damaged skin

  • & more

Immediately after your BBL® HERO™ session, you may experience some redness and darkening of pigment in the treated area. The redness should subside within an hour or two, but the pigmented lesions will continue darkening before disappearing in the following 7-14 days. While it can be tempting to exfoliate, it is important to allow your darkening pigment to come up and slough off on its own — trust us, it’s worth the wait!

Many satisfied patients report that within four weeks of their first treatment, they notice an overall improvement in skin clarity, tone, and texture. We recommend a series of three to four treatments yearly to ensure excellent skin health, but some patients report excellent benefit with one to two maintenance sessions yearly. BBL® HERO™ treatment protocols may differ—your provider will discuss your treatment plan with you at your consultation.