Pelvic Health: Emfemme & Emsella


Emsella, the “Kegel Throne”

Studies have shown Emsella to improve stress urinary incontinence (SUI) by 95%. Pad use reduction up to 75%. There are no side effects, walk in and walk out the same day, and is pain-free. You can sit on Emsella and relax during the treatment, and remain fully clothed.


  • .The Emsella Chair is a non-surgical, non-invasive treatment for incontinence caused by a weakened pelvic floor. The Emsella chair emits a high-intensity focused electromagnetic wave, which induces deep pelvic floor muscle contractions designed to deliver the equivalent of 11,200 Kegel exercises over 28 minutes.

  • No! You will experience tingling and pelvic floor muscle contractions during the procedure. The contractions are frequent, but they do not hurt. You can easily carry on a conversation or read during the treatment. Additionally, there is no downtime. You may resume normal daily activities immediately after the treatment.

  • Typically we recommend two treatments a week for three weeks - six treatments in total- for your initial series. However, your provider will tailor a treatment plan for you based on your symptoms, severity, and goals.

  • Studies show that this non-invasive treatment has a success rate of 95% in enhancing the quality of life for patients.

  • There are no side effects - you can be in and out within 30 minutes, and treatment is pain-free. You should wear comfortable cotton clothing, like workout attire, and avoid heavy clothing with any metal accessories. It may be more comfortable to empty your bladder prior to treatment.

    You can sit on Emsella and relax or read during the treatment, and you will remain fully clothed for the sessions.

  • Emsella can also help with rectal incontinence and anal sphincter tone improvement as you regain control of your pelvic core muscles and learn how to control them.

    Men have reported an increased sexual satisfaction score with increased control of their pelvic core muscles, which allows better sexual experiences and happier intimate couples. Men have also reported an improvement in their ED (Erectile Dysfunction) symptoms following their treatment.

    Women have also reported benefits like increased lubrication, increased intimate sensation, and heightened orgasms after treatment.

  • Results from Emsella treatments are semi-permanent, since they involve muscles. This treatment helps you regain control of your pelvic floor muscles, & allow you to effectively continue pelvic floor exercises on your own—plus you can maintain the results with booster treatments monthly or quarterly, depending on the severity of your symptoms and your response to therapy.

Click to Book Emsella

Click to Book Emsella

What is EMfemme 360™?

If you struggle with urinary incontinence or sexual dysfunction due to vaginal laxity, you may benefit from EMfemme 360™. EMfemme 360 is a non-surgical vaginal rejuvenation that can tighten and firm loose vaginal tissue.

EMfemme 360 uses radiofrequency energy to change your vaginal tissue at the cellular level. The EMfemme device emits volumetric thermal energy to cause a tightening effect that enhances the appearance and function of your vaginal tissue.

EMfemme treats vaginal laxity, dryness, lack of lubrication, tenderness or pain with intercourse, and more. Don’t continue to suffer- reach out today for a consultation.

Emfemme vaginal rejuvenation in Alamosa and Pagosa Springs for vaginal dryness, painful intercourse, lack of lubrication, vaginal laxity, with no surgery or downtime
vaginal rejuvenation in Alamosa and Pagosa Springs for painful sex, low libido, vaginal laxity, lack of sensation, lack of lubrication, tissue atrophy, dryness and itching.


  • • Tighten & firm loose vaginal tissue and the vaginal canal

    • Improve sex life & make orgasms more intense

    • Resolve urinary leakage or incontinence due to laxity

    • Enhance the appearance of the vaginal tissue

    • Tighten muscles within the vaginal canal

    The non-surgical nature of EMFEMME 360 adds to its appeal!

  • If you have vaginal laxity, bladder leakage, or sexual dysfunction, you could be a great candidate for EMFEMME 360 treatment. Most candidates have seen a change in their vaginal tissue with the natural aging process or after giving birth vaginally.

  • We recommend 3 sessions of the EMFEMME 360 to see best results. For most patients, each session is spaced 7-10 days apart. The treatment is targeting tissues, so caring for your overall health will improve your results (avoiding smoking, reducing excess caffeine consumption, hydrating well, remaining active, consuming a nutritious balanced diet with plenty of protein). This helps your body heal and repair optimally.

  • EMfemme 360 treatment is generally comfortable and relaxing. Most patients report a slight warming sensation from the EMFEMME device but no discomfort during their session.

    During your Emfemme session, you will be seated in a reclining or lying flat position, per your preference. Your knees will be slightly bent and lower body draped securely for privacy. Your provider may use a brief manual examination to confirm the appropriate size of EMfemme applicator to use for you. Then, using ultrasound gel for comfort the EMfemme applicator will be steadily inserted and removed for the duration of the treatment (8 minutes). This provides volumetric heating of the tissue with constant temperature monitoring to avoid excessive temperatures and also ensure optimal treatment results. You’ll be asked to provide feedback during the treatment to confirm your comfort level, usually with a scale of 1-10.

    If your treatment plan also includes external EMfemme treatment, the applicator will be switched out and treatment will commence on the external labia and urethral areas, generally requiring less than an additional 15-20 minutes, depending on the patient and treatment intensity.

  • There is little to no recovery or aftercare required after your EMFEMME 360 sessions! This is why most patients prefer radiofrequency therapy over many laser devices. Patients also report an increase in moisture and tone of the vaginal tissue—see even describe it as an “instant facelift.”

    You may feel some warming sensations of the tissue after treatment but not pain. You will be provided feminine supplies to go home with as ultrasound gel may continue to exit the treatment area for a short time after treatment. You can resume most of your normal activities on the same day as an EMFEMME 360 session.