Menopause Matters - Estrogen, Hearing & Balance

Estrogen, Menopause & Hearing Loss

Menopause marks a significant transition in a woman's life, often accompanied by a variety of physical changes. While many are aware of menopausal effects on breast tissue and the genitourinary system, but fewer may realize the impact it can have on other areas of the body, including hearing.

Hearing changes are a natural part of aging, a process known as presbycusis, where the structures in the ear gradually degenerate over time. One might notice difficulty in hearing high-pitched sounds, such as children's voices. However, menopause can exacerbate these changes.

Research suggests that estrogen and progesterone, hormones that play a crucial role in menopause, also have a protective effect on auditory functions. Estrogen receptors are present in the inner ears, and the decline in hormone production during menopause can affect the health of these structures. This hormonal shift can lead to a drying out of the mucus membranes in the inner ear, affecting both hearing and balance, and potentially causing vertigo or dizziness.

Moreover, menopause can increase the risk of ear-related issues such as wax buildup and infections. With decreased estrogen levels, the ears may struggle to regulate wax production, leading to blockages and conductive hearing loss. Additionally, the weakened blood vessels in the ears due to decreased estrogen levels can make women more susceptible to infections like colds, flu, and sinus or ear infections.

Tinnitus, or ringing in the ears, is another common issue during menopause. This condition may arise due to decreased circulation as estrogen levels decline, impacting the blood vessels in the ears. Fluctuations in blood pressure or oxygen levels may exacerbate tinnitus and potentially lead to permanent damage.

Addressing menopause-induced hearing loss begins with a comprehensive hearing evaluation by an audiologist. They can assess the severity of the condition and determine if menopause is contributing to the symptoms. Treatment options may include hearing aids to improve communication and manage symptoms like tinnitus.

Defiance Health offers experienced menopause medicine, but all women deserve full-service healthcare including audiology, primary care, and other skilled specialists on your team. By recognizing the link between menopause and hearing health, women can now take proactive steps to address changes and maintain their overall well-being during this transformative stage of life.

We’re here to help.

Defiance - SLV

Ears 2 U: (719) 587-9820

SLV RMC Audiology: (719) 589-8025

A Better Hearing Center: (719) 496-3916

Defiance - DTC

Denver Audiology: (303) 832-2054

Modern Audiology: (720) 476-7132


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