BBL Hero: Advanced IPL for Clearer, Younger & Healthier Skin

BBL Hero IPL Skin Treatment is the industry-best for brown spots, anti-aging, and beautiful skin for men and women

IPL (intense pulsed light) is a laser-like treatment for improving the appearance and condition of sun-damaged skin. We use the BBL-Hero form of IPL which offers significant benefits over laser and older IPL treatments. BBL is much faster, hurts less and there is minimal downtime after treatment. Defiance Health offers the most advanced, proven technology for our valued patients.

Broad band light (BBL) is a light-based procedure similar to a laser that can treat the signs of sun-damaged and aging skin such as freckles, blood vessels and loose skin with fine wrinkles. Skincare in Alamosa & Denver, Colorado has never been better! Let’s talk more about it.

What conditions can be treated with BBL laser treatment

At Defiance Health we mainly use BBL treatment for areas of skin that have visible signs of sun damage. Pigmented conditions that are treated by BBL include:

  • lentigines

  • age spots

  • liver spots

  • freckles

  • some "beauty spots"

The treatment is also effective at treating vascular lesions such as:

  • telangiectasia or broken blood vessels

  • variations of rosacea

  • angiomas and spider angiomas

  • poikiloderma of Civatte and

  • vascular birthmarks such as port wine stains

The treated skin looks clearer, younger and healthier after treatment.

In limited cases, BBL can potentially reduce the risk of skin cancer in the treated area, but for most people, it should be considered a cosmetic treatment only.

Other uses of BBL include:

  • Treatment of certain skin cancers or areas of pre-cancerous sun damage in situations where surgical or other non-surgical treatments are not appropriate

  • Treatment of overgrown or discoloured scars

  • Treatment of acne

  • Treatment of rosacea

  • Hair removal

  • Treatment of loose skin and fine lines and wrinkles

BBL is not the best treatment for cosmetic removal of moles, seborrhoeic keratoses, skin tags or other raised skin lesions. We offer other treatments such as radiosurgery, electrosurgery, cryotherapy and shave excisions to better manage these lesions.

Skin rejuvenation & anti-aging effects

BBL treatment has been shown to have rejuvenating effects on the skin (Bitter 2013).

  • Treated skin looks younger

  • BBL treatment boosts the production of collagen and elastin, which are depleted in ageing skin.

  • BBL stimulates genes in skin cells to function more like genes in younger skin (Chang 2013).

  • The skin becomes thicker & revitalized

  • There is a decrease in the production of hormones and inflammatory chemicals associated with skin ageing and skin cancer.

Note: BBL has not been shown to reduce the risk of skin cancer except in cases where it is used to treat solar keratoses.

What is intense pulsed light?

BBL is a type of intense pulsed light (IPL) treatment. IPL is extremely bright light applied to the skin in short concentrated flashes.

The colour or wavelength of light can be selected to target selected structures in the skin:

  • Brown (freckles, “age spots”, flat seborrhoeic keratoses, hair)

  • Red (blood vessels, angiomas)

Cosmetic treatments like BBL are effective because the energy applied to the skin is so intense that it heats and damages the target structures, leaving normal skin behind.

There is a highly efficient cooling system built into the BBL handpiece that maintains a low skin surface temperature after the short burst of light. This cooling protects the skin surface and typically results in a short flash of warmth rather than a burning sensation. In some cases, we use more intense energy to treat prominent pigmentation or blood vessels. This sometimes feels like a very brief flash of pain, which subsides almost instantly.

Because the light generated by BBL equipment is extremely bright, you will need to wear block-out goggles or tinted glasses to protect your eyes when receiving a full-face treatment.

Treatment can be applied in different ways:

  • General treatment to improve the condition of an area of skin (e.g. face, neck, hands, arms)

  • Focused treatment to reduce or eliminate specific spots

  • Heat treatment to stimulate collagen production and tighten skin

BBL Hero in Alamosa treats unwanted brown spots and lightens discoloration of the skin for beautiful younger-looking skin

BBL-Hero: a new IPL technology

"Hero" refers to High Energy Rapid Output (proprietary name).

This form of skin treatment is available only on Sciton equipment which has been available in Australia since 2000.

Advantages over conventional/older IPL treatments include:

  • Treatment is more comfortable due to superior cooling and a more concentrated delivery of energy to target tissues

  • Treatment tends to be in a smooth gliding motion rather than "stamping" the skin, leading to less risk of uneven results

  • Less discomfort and skin irritation following treatment. No downtime means that most people can return to normal activities immediately after treatment.

Customized treatment

BBL treatment is delivered by the Sciton mJoule device.

The BBL equipment provides a range of specialised programs and settings which can be tailored for your specific needs:

  • The problem or condition you wish to treat

  • The part of the body to be treated

  • Your skin type

  • Your comfort level during treatment

You will usually need more than one treatment session to obtain the best possible result. The settings are re-evaluated after each session to optimise results and your experience during treatment.

Possible side effects of treatment

  • Redness: The treated area commonly looks and feels like a mild sunburn for a few hours.

  • Itching

  • Swelling

  • Light bruising

  • Peeling

  • Scabbing

Potential risks and their management

Compared with traditional laser treatments, BBL is a relatively safe process. This is one of the reasons we offer this treatment, which has most laser benefits without some of its major drawbacks.

Significant problems are rare but can occur:

  • Burns

  • Eye irritation

  • Cold sore outbreaks if not on preventative medication

  • Accidental bleaching/hiding of skin cancers

  • Increased or decreased pigmentation of treated areas

We manage these risks by carefully selecting machine settings and checking your medical history, medications, previous skin treatments and sun exposure.

Any suspicious-looking skin lesions, spots or lumps will be checked by an experienced skin cancer doctor prior to treatment. We can provide preventative medication to reduce the risk of cold sore outbreaks if required. The possibility of burns is greatly reduced with the BBL technology but can occur. If a burn does occur, our doctor and nurse will instigate a treatment program, which produces excellent results.

Preparation for treatment

If you are properly prepared for treatment, treatment is more effective in a shorter period, and there is much less risk of discomfort and irritation during and after the procedure.

Avoid potentially irritant skin products

For at least two days before (and after) treatment, do not use any active skin product which might make your skin sensitive. These include:

  • tretinoin or any other product containing a retinoid

  • vitamin C/ascorbic acid

  • other acids such as alpha-hydroxy acid, beta-hydroxy acid, salicylic acid

Note: In some cases, your doctor will prescribe a cream or ointment for the area to be treated. This is more likely if your BBL treatment is for a skin cancer or pre-cancer condition. In this case, we will provide advice about how to use the prescribed/recommended medication or product.

Keep the area as pale as possible—If the skin is pigmented or tanned, it's harder for the BBL to target specific problem areas and structures.

For two weeks before your treatment, we recommend that you avoid:

  • sun exposure to the treated area (even with sunscreen)

  • fake tan/spray tan

Don't use tinted cosmetics or sunscreens on the area for 2-3 days before your treatment.

On the day of treatment

If there is any hair in the treatment area, shave it off as closely as possible.

Do not wear make-up of any kind.

Wear light-coloured loose clothing that will allow access to the area to be treated, e.g. a singlet for treatment of arms, shoulders or chest.

Pre- and post-treatment photos

We take photos of your skin before every treatment. This provides evidence of how well the treatment has worked on your skin.

If you’re willing a photo release consent can be signed to allow us to share your de-identified photos to others.

What to expect

You will wear tinted glasses or goggles to protect your eyes from bright flashes of light during the treatment.

The provider administering your treatment will apply a gel to the treatment area. This gel improves the contact between the handpiece and the skin, as well as reducing friction. Anaesthetic creams or gels are not required.

During treatment

Bright light is emitted from a handpiece in contact with the skin:

  • Usually the provider will use a smooth gliding motion in several passes over the treatment area. This technique is best for treating large areas of skin, or if the objective is to improve the general appearance.

  • Sometimes, they will hold the handpiece stationary directly over a problem spot, such as a cluster of blood vessels or a dark freckle. This is known as corrective treatment.

Treatments usually last only a few minutes for each body area.

During treatment, the handpiece emits extremely bright flashes of light, which only last a fraction of a second. If the therapist is using a gliding motion, flashes of light occur 3 or 4 times per second.

Each flash feels like a very brief hot and sharp sensation. This immediately settles due to cooling from the handpiece straight after the flash of light.

After treatment

Your provider will clean and moisturize the area and apply sunscreen.

You will discuss whether further treatments are required and book a follow-up appointment if necessary.

The results of treatment are usually visible in about 2 weeks for facial treatments and 4 weeks for other parts of the body. In the meantime, you may notice mild redness, followed by small dark dots in the treated area. This is a sign that the treatment has damaged pigmented structures in the skin and your immune system is "cleaning up" leftover pigment.

You should avoid sun exposure and any irritant creams, ointments or cosmetics unless they have been specifically recommended by your provider.

How it’s performed

When getting BBL "laser" treatment, you will wear goggles or dark tinted glasses to shield your face from the intense light. A provider will apply a lubricating gel to the treatment area to increase contact of the handpiece crystal with the skin. Then, a highly effective cooling system built into the handpiece cools the skin surface, while carefully selected filters allow heat and energy to target specific structures in the skin for rejuvenation. The new BBL handpiece contains dual, alternating flashing lights that allow most of the treatment to be undertaken with the handpiece in motion. This together with multiple passes at a lower energy output, results in a treatment that is less painful, much more even and less likely to result in downtime. The old-fashioned “stamping” technique (commonly used in laser treatment), with its risk of over and undertreatment, is largely eliminated. Discomfort during the treatment is typically minimal, with anaesthetic cream rarely required.

Preparing for BBL treatment: light therapy for skin spots

Before getting BBL treatment, obtain clearance from our doctor for any moles you have in the treatment area. Avoid active skin products that make your skin sensitive for 2 days before treatment, such as tretinoin or other retinoids along with acids such vitamin C and alpha hydroxy acids. Do not wear any cosmetics, tinted moisturiser or sunscreen on the day of treatment. If applicable, shave the area to be treated. Following these BBL preparation recommendations will help ensure that the laser skin care procedure goes smoothly and works effectively.

Side effects and complications

Most patients report slightly flushed skin, redness and a mild sunburn-like sensation that lasts a few hours. A small proportion of patients have some mild puffiness under their eyes on the day after treatment. There is a small risk of burns in the affected area. Eye injury due to bad use of safety glasses is possible but rare. BBL treatment can cause an outbreak of cold sores in susceptible people.


In most cases, a course of 3 or more treatments is required for the best results and skin health. After treatment, you should avoid direct sun exposure and wear sunscreen even if the weather is not hot or bright. Active skin treatments such as retinoids, tretinoin, vitamin C, and prescription creams and ointments should be avoided for a period of time, unless your doctor has given explicit advice to use them following BBL treatment. There will usually be mild redness and after a few days small dark spots may appear in the treatment area. The full result of treatment will usually be visible in about 2 weeks for the face and 4 weeks for the body.

Aftercare: What to expect after treatment

Please follow the post treatment routine outlined by your provider. Also be aware that the skin on different parts of your body takes different times to recover after treatment, with the skin on your face typically the fastest to recover, and the rest of the body slower.

The following are the main concerns after treatment.


Most patients will have some redness and a sensation similar to mild sunburn in the treatment area. This almost always resolves on its own within a few hours. If this bothers you, apply a cool compress to the area.


A few patients may have some mild puffiness under their eyes on the day after treatment. That will typically clear within a day. Again a cool compress can help to settle this.

Darkening of pigmentation

You may notice darkening of your pigmented spots, or tiny grey/dark brown specks. This is often a sign of successful treatment. The darkened spots fade and flake off after less that 1 week on the face and 2-3 weeks on the body.  If they bother you, makeup can be used to cover the spots.


Burns are rare with BBL treatments. When compared to traditional IPL treatments, BBL's reduced fluence combined with multiple passes results in an effective treatment, with much lower risk of burns. However, burns can on occasion happen, but the outcome after healing is typically excellent.

If your treatment results in broken, burnt or blistered skin, contact the clinic immediately. We have a treatment protocol to speed up healing and minimise the chances of adverse results. If you are unable to contact the clinic for any reason then apply the following treatment until you can:

  • initially apply cool compresses for the first few hours

  • after that, apply a petroleum ointment such as Vaseline or Bepanthen

  • aloe vera cream can also be applied to help sooth the skin

Skin care recommendations


Cleanse the skin twice daily with lukewarm water and a gentle cleanser ( eg ZO Skin Health Gentle Cleanser, Cetaphil). Use your hands and fingertips to cleanse using gentle patting motions.

Do not rub, scrub or use skin care brush in the treated area.

Do not use soap or exfoliants on your skin.


Moisturiser should be applied generously with clean hands over treated area and reapplied whenever your skin feels dry.

We recommend ZO Skin Health Daily Power Defense, Brightalive with Vitamin B3/Papain/Beta Glucan, or a moisturizer containing vitamin B3 (also known as niacinamide). Vitamin B3 has been shown in clinical trials to improve blotchiness, pigmentation and fine wrinkles associated with sun damage and skin aging.

Avoid irritants

While the skin is healing, avoid anything that will irritate the it, such as:

  • exfoliants

  • active, sensitizing products like acids or retinoids

  • shaving

  • very hot or cold water

  • swimming pools and spas with multiple chemicals/chlorine

  • vitamin E cream. It has been shown not to provide any skin healing benefit, and commonly causes irritation or dermatitis if used on healing skin.

Avoid sun exposure


Sunscreen is essential. It should be used daily beginning the day of treatment and used consistently.

Use sunscreen with Broadband UVA and UVB protection and a SPF of at least 30. Reapply sunscreen 4-hourly during periods of sun exposure.

Do not expose your skin to direct sunlight for 14 days. The treated area is more prone to sunburn and pigmentation change.

We recommend ZO Skin Health Broad Spectrum SPF. One of many over-the-counter SPF options is: Cetaphil SPF.

Even low-intensity sun exposure can lead to freckles and lentigines. To maintain the best results following your treatment, we recommend that you wear sunscreen every day, even in winter.

Clothing and hats

If possible, make sure that your treatment area is covered, e.g. long sleeves or a high neckline. If your face was treated, wear a broad-brimmed hat while you are outside, even if you are already wearing sunscreen.

Work and exercise

In most cases you can return to normal work duties immediately after treatment.

Avoid strenuous exercise and sweating until after your skin has healed.

Contraindications - not candidates for treatment.

Pregnancy, photosensitivity, light-induced migraines or epilepsy, medication that causes light-induced rash or skin sensitivity.


BBL treatment can result in reduced hair growth in the treated area. We recommend not treating areas where you want to maintain full hair growth. People with darker skin (Fitzpatrick V and VI) may not achieve satisfactory results and are more likely to experience unwanted pigmentation changes following BBL or laser treatment. Many of the conditions treated by BBL are long term, and cannot be cured with a single BBL treatment course. You may gain further benefits with maintenance treatments in the future. BBL can treat visible signs of sun damage, but it has not been shown to reduce skin cancer risk in the treated area.

Pregnancy: This procedure is not recommended for pregnant patients and cannot be performed at Defiance Health.

Also known as:

  • BBL treatment: Light therapy for skin spots  

  • BBL, BroadBand Light, IPL, intense pulsed light, photofacial, ForeverYoung BBL and photo rejuvenation

Conditions treated with BBL treatment: Light therapy for skin spots is used in the treatment of:

  • Sun damaged skin

  • Angioma

  • Telangiectasia and rosacea

  • Lentigo


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